Protect Yourself Before & During a Blizzard
While those who live in the Northeast are considered a resilient bunch when it comes to enduring snowfall, facing the extreme conditions of a blizzard can prove dangerous to even the most seasoned dweller. And since you can never truly predict what Mother Nature has in store, the best defense against a blizzard is to be prepared.
• Stay informed. Tune-in to weather forecasts and use this information to your advantage to prepare for an impending storm.
• Spread rock-salt or sand on driveways, sidewalks, and in front of entrances to avoid slippery conditions and provide traction. Keep a shovel handy.
• Pack an emergency kit that contains at least the following:
o 3-day supply of food and water, including for your pets
o Flashlight
o Battery-operated radio
o Extra batteries
o Toiletry items
o 3-day supply of medications
o Copies of personal documents
o Extra blankets, clothes, and outwear o Cell phone chargers
• Make sure that you have sufficient heating-fuel, whether it’s oil, pellets, or wood.
• Bring your animals in from outdoors.
This information has been prepared and is intended for educational purposes only and is not legal advice and/or an authoritative guide. The information and content provided here is not intended to be relied upon for making personal, safety, insurance, medical, legal or other decisions.
• Stay indoors. If you must go outside, be sure to wear layers of warm, loose-fitting clothing.
• Make sure all heating sources are vented to the outside and clear of any debris/buildup.
• Avoid driving when possible. If you must drive, be sure you have an emergency kit in the car.
• Open your kitchen and bathroom cabinets to
allow warm air to circulate around the pipes.
• If you are without heat or electric for an extended period of time, it may be in your best interest to go to a public shelter if you can get there safely.
• Be sure to restock your emergency kit with any of the supplies that you used during the storm.
• When it is safe to do so, consider using a roof rake from the ground to remove snow. The heavy weight of snow can damage your roof and cause unsafe conditions. Also, remember to clear snow away from exhaust and chimney vents to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
For more information regarding natural disaster preparedness, log onto And be sure to discuss your homeowners or renters insurance policy with your independent agent; you may not be able to predict mother nature, but you can certainly Live Assured that Preferred Mutual has got you covered.